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MR Communications Services Pty Ltd provides communications and community engagement services to support infrastructure planning and construction.


Led by Michael Robertson, MR Communications specialises in the water, transportation, construction and urban renewal sectors. With extensive experience working with government agencies, utility providers, construction contractors and consultants, Michael is well positioned to support your project needs.

Our approach is straightforward – engage early, understand community views and then set about maximising community benefit and minimising disturbance.


We are proudly based in Western Sydney and celebrate the diversity of the communities we work with.


We proudly acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of Country across Australia and pay respect to Elders past, present and emerging. 


MR Communications is committed to the United Nations Global Compact and Sustainable Development Goals. We encourage and support clients and other business partners in their efforts to achieve sustainable outcomes.


Across our value chain, we aim to ensure that we and our business partners operate with respect for human rights. We recognise the importance of protecting human rights and oppose all forms of slavery and forced labour.


We will be a sustainable, trusted organisation that people want to work with.


We will foster strong, inclusive communities that are empowered to thrive in an increasingly connected world.


We operate in a transparent and ethical manner for our customers and the community. We are committed to the highest standards of corporate governance in delivering our services.

Rouse Hill urban renewal
Sydney Water Prospect Reservoir

Michael Robertson


With over 20 years' experience in the industry, Michael has specialist skills in community and stakeholder engagement, written communication, facilitation, property access negotiations, strategic issues management and project management. He has an excellent understanding of infrastructure and environmental projects.


Michael is passionate about involving communities in planning processes and is committed to working with them to minimise adverse impacts during construction.


Michael worked for almost nine years in Sydney Water’s Communications and Marketing team, providing community relations and issues management on major infrastructure projects. Michael then led stakeholder engagement and communications programs for major water and transport projects over seven years at one of the world’s leading professional services companies. For four years he managed their NSW Stakeholder Engagement and Social Sustainability Team.


Michael was on the board of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Australasia between 2010 and 2014. He was an inaugural member of IAP2's ambassador program and was a member of the 2018 and 2019 Core Values Awards judging panels. In 2022 Michael became a Fellow of IAP2. A Fellow of IAP2 is someone who has been eminent in the field of engagement and who has provided distinguished service to IAP2 Australasia.


Michael believes in straightforward, collaborative and transparent project delivery. He is committed to best practice community engagement and follows IAP2’s Core Values and Code of Ethics. He has delivered many award-winning engagement programs.

Michael Robertson IAP2
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