Michael Robertson has over 20 years’ experience delivering best practice community engagement programs across the public and private sectors. A summary of key project experience is provided below.
Project Experience
Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre and Pipelines, John Holland and Sydney Water
Sydney Metro City & Southwest Line-wide Works, Systems Connect and Sydney Metro
Herring Road Improvements - Macquarie Park, Georgiou Group and Transport for NSW
Water and Wastewater improvement projects, Confluence Water and Sydney Water (P4S)
Crows Nest Sydney Metro Station, A W Edwards and Sydney Metro
Mona Vale Road Upgrade, Georgiou Group and Transport for NSW
Richmond Intersections Improvements, DM Roads and Transport for NSW
The Northern Road watermain adjustments, Sydney Water
Northern Beaches B-Line, DM Roads and Transport for NSW
Airport East and North precinct improvements, John Holland and Transport for NSW
Upper Parramatta Source Control, Interflow and Sydney Water
Mount Victoria and Lithgow Area Remodelling Projects, John Holland and Sydney Trains
Stewardship Maintenance contract, DM Roads and NSW Roads and Maritime Services
Windsor Bridge Replacement Project, Georgiou Group and NSW Roads and Maritime Services
Shepherds Bay Water and Wastewater Improvements, Interflow and Sydney Water
Lachlan Valley Water Security Project, GHD and WaterNSW
Epping Town Centre Road & Intersection Improvements, DM Roads and NSW Roads and Maritime Services
Lyons Road Upgrade, Downer EDI
Rouse Hill water main upgrade, Interflow and Sydney Water
Burns Bay Road Upgrade, Downer EDI
Malabar Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project, GHD and Sydney Water
Vaucluse and Diamond Bay Ocean Outfalls, Sydney Water
Pittwater Road Upgrade Project, GHD and City of Ryde
Western Sydney Airport EIS, GHD and the Department of Infrastructure & Regional Development
South West Growth Centre Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Planning and Delivery, GHD and Sydney Water
Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan for Sydney Harbour, GHD and Sydney Coastal Councils Group
Hanwood Modernisation Project, GHD and Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area Renewal Alliance
Emergency Response Training Facility Master Planning, GHD and State Property Authority
Highlands Source Water Project, GHD and Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Lake Wyangan Modernisation Project, GHD and Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area Renewal Alliance
Priority Sewerage Program, Sydney Water